In-Development: Badger’s Hole

Badger’s Hole, which is a wonderful 5-bedroom coastal family home, overlooking the iconic Oxwich Bay and its surrounding nature reserve, one of Gower’s finest beaches.

During this phase of works, having previously worked on the site, we are working with our clients, Starki Architects and our friends at No.8 Project, to fully renovate the 1st floor of the property, involving extensive works to the roof space.

To compliment the open plan spaces on the ground floor, additional dormers are being constructed to the rear elevation to allow for a more spacious, light and open feeling. Each of the rooms and their interiors have been considered for their optimum layout and finish.


The Printer's Son

A UK based creative that designs, develops, and styles websites for individuals and small businesses.

In-Development: Carnglas


In-Development: Mary Twill Lane